THE BEGINNING: Sacred Spaces Produce Answers
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“It was a prayer. It Always starts as a prayer....”
People have asked, how did you start HOLY GIRL Cosmetics....
It was a prayer. It always starts as a prayer. Yet, something in me knew this was more than just lipstick, more than cosmetics: this would be about HIM.
Having been a lipstick consumer since digging in my mother’s purse as a little girl, I realized my husband was right when he said, “you use it, why don’t You sell it!” I laughed at the idea as I have other things I am involved in business wise. But HE had another plan. After turning down a couple small “ambassador deals” on social media. I began to become drawn to a few makeup gurus as many of us do. Buying lipstick and gloss here and there and even being in the beauty industry, selling hair extensions of my own, I had a desire to join the cosmetic world in some way. Yet, it didn’t dawn on me, that having a brand of my very own would be even close to possible; until God used my husband to say, “you can do it too”. As stubborn as I can be at times, my first thought was....I sure can, but have no idea how. Until, God granted the open door to my very own cosmetic line. I questioned, what would be the name? What would be my nitch? My ABBA knows me and my cry to HIM was simply, “if I do this, it would have to be from the heart Lord, can you help me figure this out? This has to be something I can stand by.” Because Lord knows, after all I have experienced, know and understand (even thought before launching), I refused the long term idea to pass down the selling and promotion of European hair to my girls as a legacy. No, my next business move would have to coincide with what I value, not just like, as an accessory.
And so, knowing how much I value (with a quirky yet scintillating smile as I sit here next to my dog typing this “about us” page), a beautiful colored lip paint: selling, marketing and producing it would have to come from the heart. And this prayer was the birth of HOLY GIRL Cosmetics....even the name. From that moment, I made sure to write the vision of our cosmetic line, before the yes! And yes, right after, I made it plain so that I can read it and run with it!
HOLY GIRL Cosmetics, is not just your ordinary lipstick or cosmetic brand. HOLY GIRL Cosmetics is understanding who you are, Who called you and who, with HIM, you are destined to be!
HOLY GIRL Cosmetics - coming soon...